uses cookies to offer its visitors a better browsing experience and services tailored to the interests of each visitor. We present below the information necessary to inform you of the details related to the placement, use and administration of cookies used by the site

Similar, în mediul online, există și alte site-uri, pagini personalizate inclusiv pe platforme ale terțelor părți (cum ar fi Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkdIn sau YouTube) și aplicațiilor accesate sau utilizate prin asemenea site-uri care sunt operate de sau în numele Prive BOUTIQUE SRL și care folosesc cookie-uri conform celor prezentate mai jos.

Applicability of this Policy

This Policy applies to the site

De asemenea, pentru identitate, informaÈ›iile din acest document se aplică È™i altor platforme online care sunt operate de sau în numele Prive Luxury SRL

Utilizând acest site și alte site-uri deținute de Prive Luxury SRL, sunteți de acord cu modul de utilizare de către noi a cookie-urilor, în conformitate cu această Politică privind utilizarea lor.

If you do not agree with our use of cookies, you must set your browser settings accordingly.

Decuplarea cookie-urilor pe care le utilizăm ar putea afecta experienÈ›a dumneavoastră ca utilizator pe acest site È™i pe alte site-uri deÈ›inute de Prive Luxury SRL

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files, consisting of letters and numbers, that will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user from which the Internet is accessed.

Cookies are installed by request issued by a web server, a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).

Cookies are completely "passive" (they do not contain software, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the user's hard driver).

A cookie consists of 2 parts: the name and content or value of the cookie. The duration of the existence of a cookie is determined; technically, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that web server.

Cookies themselves do not require personal information in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users.

There are 2 major categories of cookies:

1. Session cookies: they are temporarily stored in the cookies folder of the web browser so that it can store them until the user leaves the respective website or closes the browser window;

2. Persistent cookies: are stored on the hard drive of a computer or device and are activated again when you visit the site that created that specific cookie. Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is currently visiting. These are known as "third party cookies" or cookies placed by third parties. They store a user's interests in order to deliver the most relevant advertising for them.

What is the lifetime of a cookie?

The lifetime of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are for single use only (such as session cookies), therefore they are not maintained once the user leaves the site. Other cookies are maintained and reused each time the user returns to the site (persistent cookies). However, cookies can be deleted by the user at any time by using the browser settings.

What are third-party cookies?

Some sections of the content of some sites may be provided through third-party cookies as in the case of an advertisement. Such cookies may be placed on the site and are called cookies placed by third parties because they are not placed by the owner of the site. Such third parties are in turn obliged to comply with the applicable legal regulations and privacy policies of the owner of the site.

Why are cookies important for the internet?

Cookies are the focal point of the efficient operation of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience tailored to the preferences and interests of each user. Declining or disabling cookies may make some sites impossible to use. Rejecting or disabling cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online advertising - but only that it will no longer be able to take into account your preferences and interests, highlighted by your browsing behavior.

Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require a user to authenticate through an account):

1. Content and services adapted to the user's preferences - categories of products and services;
2. Offers adapted to the interests of users - password retention;
3. Retention of child protection filters on Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions);
4. Limiting the frequency of ads - limiting the number of impressions of an ad for a particular user on a site;
5. Providing more relevant advertising for the user;
6. Measurement, optimization and Analytics features - such as confirming a certain level of traffic to a website, what type of content is viewed and how a user gets to a website (example: through search engines, directly, from other websites etc). Websites conduct these analyzes of their use to improve the sites for the benefit of users.

What types of cookies do we use?

By accessing this site you can place the following types of cookies:

- site performance: they retain the user's preferences on this site;
- visitor analysis: they tell us if you have visited this site before; the browser will tell us if you have this cookie, and if not, we will generate one;
- for geotargeting: these are used by a software that determines which country you come from, are completely anonymous and are used only for targeting content;
- registration: they let us know if you are registered or not, they show us the account you are registered with and if you have permission for a certain service;
- for advertising: based on them, we can find out whether or not you have viewed an online advertisement, what type of advertisement and how long it has been since you viewed this advertisement.

Do cookies contain personal data?

Cookies themselves do not require personal information in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users. Personal data may be collected through the use of cookies only to facilitate certain functionalities for the user.

How can you change the cookie settings in your browser?

Deleting Cookies

The applications used to access the web pages allow the saving of cookies on the terminal by default. These settings can be changed so that the automatic administration of Cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed every time Cookies are sent to his terminal. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of managing cookies can be found in the settings area of the application (web browser). Limiting the use of cookies may affect certain functionalities of the website.

Most browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of the browser.

To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use the browser's "help" option for more details.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

For third-party cookie settings, you can also visit the website:

Useful Links

To find out more about cookies and what they are used for, we recommend the following links:

Microsoft Cookies guide
All About Cookies
Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi privind libera circulaţie a acestor date şi de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecţia datelor)

If you wish to make any request to us regarding the above details, please contact us in writing by accessing the contact form on the Contact page on the website or at the telephone number displayed there.

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